WATSONVILLE — The Regional Transportation Commission will outline its preferred scenario for transportation improvements over the next 20 years during a meeting in Watsonville on Thursday.

The RTC will only discuss the scenario on Thursday. A final decision is expected on Dec. 6.

The Unified Corridor Investment Study draft Step 2 Scenario Analysis report was released in late September by the Regional Transportation Commission.

The study looks at different transportation investments that provide the most effective use of Highway 1, Soquel Avenue/Soquel Drive/Freedom Boulevard, and the Santa Cruz Branch Rail Line.

The five scenarios cover a variety of options, such as bus lanes on Highway 1, passenger rail service, carpool lanes and more. A “no build” scenario is also included.

According to a report by senior transportation planners Ginger Dykaar and Grace Blakeslee, RTC staff recommend a modified version of Scenario B.

Among the projects, the scenario includes passenger rail service implementation between Santa Cruz and Watsonville, a bike and pedestrian trail on the rail corridor, and more auxiliary lanes along Highway 1, among other things.

Thursday’s meeting will take place at 6 p.m. in the Watsonville City Council Chambers, 275 Main St., fourth floor.

The final approval of the scenario is expected to be made at the RTC’s meeting on Dec. 6 at 9 a.m. at the County Board of Supervisors Chambers, 701 Ocean St., fifth floor.

For information on the Unified Corridor Investment Study, visit sccrtc.org/projects/multi-modal/unified-corridor-study. Comments on the study can be sent to [email protected] or mailed to the RTC at 1523 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 95060.

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