WATSONVILLE—In the past two years, Pajaro Valley Unified School District students have shown growth in state assessments in English and Math, placing just below the national average.
The district’s third, fourth and fifth-graders showed double-digit growth in their English language arts tests, while fourth and fifth-grade student have shown 16 and 15 percent increases on their math assessments, respectively.
“You can see the tremendous growth we’re making in both literacy and mathematics,” PVUSD Superintendent Michelle Rodriguez said.
Those numbers were presented Oct. 11 during the annual State of The District breakfast.
Rodriguez touted Systematic Instruction in Phonological Awareness, Phonics and Sight Words, a program also known as SIPPS.
SIPPS lunched in 2017 as a pilot program at a handful of schools, and is now being used by all K-3 educators.
The program has been credited with boosting reading across the district since its inception.
“In one year we saw a 41 percent increase in literacy,” Rodriguez said, adding that 89 percent of first-graders are readers.
The event drew community members from several sectors throughout the community. In addition to providing data of student achievement, the event serves as a cheerleading session for the district. Cesar Chavez Middle School and Pajaro Valley High School band students played an intro and a finale for the event.