52.6 F
October 21, 2024

Woody Rehanek: Science proves pesticide’s destructive nature

For the last 18 years, I taught a special education class in the Pajaro Valley. Many of my students were farmworker children with learning disabilities: problems paying attention, reading difficulties, hyperactivity, autism, lower IQ and struggles with self-control. I was shocked to discover that one of the most widely used pesticides in the world — chlorpyrifos — has, after over 20 years of solid research at UC Davis, Berkeley, Columbia University and elsewhere, been linked to these difficulties in learning and behavior.

Gullible grandma vs. determined scammer

By DeAnne Hart, of Watsonville I return to my country home with two canisters of propane for the camp stove and lantern in anticipation of a third long dark evening without power. My husband and helper Joelle meet me at the door, pulling up a chair...

Only in Watsonville

The Japanese love cherry blossoms both for their beauty and as harbingers of spring, but also because their short life reminds us of the transience of life. Sweet but sad.  In the 1920s the Pajaro Valley Japanese community donated and planted hundreds of cherry blossom trees...

Acosta must resign

letter to the editor pajaronian
By Elaine Legorreta This is a call for the resignation of Georgia Acosta from the Pajaro Valley Unified School District Board of Trustees. One of several deficits is her disregard of the law and district by-laws.  Trustee Acosta demonstrated either a disrespect or ignorance of...

True & real community

Jay Shinseki Watsonville
Question: “When you look at humanity what surprises you most?”  Answer: “Man, because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the...

Senior isolation and loneliness

letters to the editor
For most of us, the holidays are moments of celebration, but for many isolated seniors it can be a triggering reminder of their loneliness. In the next couple of weeks, Meals on Wheels, Lift Line drivers and Elderday staff will continue to visit many...

Dutra: Democracy is on the ballot

jimmy dutra
By JIMMY DUTRA We have seen politics hit an all-time low in our community. Behavior that has been more common at the national and state level has arrived in our local politics. It has moved from “what I can do for the people” into “how...

Leslie DeRose, Maria Orozco and Kimberly De Serpa, March 22: In praise of school counselors

Recently, the Register-Pajaronian published an article regarding counseling services available to students in the Pajaro Valley Unified School District. While the article touched on key components, it did miss an opportunity to depict the many positive elements that encompass the district’s services to its most fragile students.

Stand up for health equity

letter to the editor pajaronian
By Jason Johnston We know that the suffering and death of Covid-19 has been far more severe in our local communities of color, particularly the Latinx communities in South County. And we would like to believe that we live in a community with progressive values,...

A key step forward for Pajaro River Project

Pajaro river levee
By Congressman Jimmy Panetta and Supervisor Zach Friend As your federal and local representatives, we take very seriously the job of ensuring our communities are safe and resilient. To this end, we have been working closely with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to make...