Letters to the Editor, Dec. 19: Will PVUSD teachers go on strike? Squatters go home!
Letters to the Editor, Dec. 19, 2017
Letters to the Editor, April 29
Reasons to vote against the levee assessment
Everyone seems to agree that the Salsipuedes and Pajaro levees need repair. The public relations information from the new Pajaro Flood Agency isn’t emphasizing some issues that deserve to be considered before you vote—and there are about 3,000...
Letters to the Editor, Nov. 11: Salute to those who serve
Letters to the Editor, Nov. 11, 2017
Letter: Pajaro Valley soil is the best in the world
I grew up in Watsonville and have lived and worked in the Pajaro Valley all my life. I have been an agronomist, scientifically analyzing agricultural soils in California and throughout the United States. I have studied thousands of different soils, and I can say...
Letter to the Editor, April 5: Look at both sides of rail issue
Letter to the Editor, April 5, 2018
Letter to the Editor, Oct. 14: Safeguarding the election processes in America
Letter to the Editor, Oct. 14, 2017
On my mind, July 8: Are you listening?
I want to talk about a few pieces of music that have been life-changers for me. As I’ve mentioned in a few columns in the R-P, I studied music at the university, which gave me a running start into the world of classical music, meaning Mozart, Bach, Beetho
From the editor's desk, Jan. 16: Some goals for the council in 2018
When the Watsonville City Council meets for the first time in 2018 Tuesday night, it will mark the beginning of another year of decisions that will shape the community far into the future. Here is what I hope to see the council achieve over the year.
Letters to the Editor, Jan. 25: Time to rethink Trump’s tenure
Letters to the Editor, Jan. 25, 2018
Truck plunges into creek in Watsonville
END OVER END Tow operators from Chaz Towing work on a plan to haul a GMC Sierra pickup out of Corralitos Creek on...