letter to the editor pajaronian

One has to wonder if our elected County officials really care about the people of Pajaro. Presently, an H2A housing project is proceeding in the community right next to the levee that will increase the population of the community by about 15-20%. 

Now here is the rub. The Monterey County Board of Supervisors overturned the planning commission’s vote which was 7-1 against the project citing flooding as one of the reasons for rejection. A certain supervisor cited the need for low-income housing in support of the project.

H2A housing is not low-income housing. It is defined as nonimmigrant fieldworker housing. Said simply, guest workers are housed in the development. It does not increase the housing supply for County residents. It is disingenuous to say so. H2A housing does not benefit North County farmers. H2A housing will benefit the farmers in the Salinas Valley. Interestingly enough, the same supervisor, three weeks after the vote, was in Pajaro handing out evacuation notices due to the flooding potential. 

This project should be postponed until the levee is reconstructed. If another flood occurs with the same impacts as the one in March, then the taxpayers will have to pay the evacuation costs and the residents will have to be evacuated due lack of potable water and sewer services. 

So, the question is, do our politicians value public safety for the people of Pajaro? 

Steve Snodgrass

Royal Oaks

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  1. Great letter, Steve. You hit the nail on the head, knowing much about the Pajaro community and what its residents really need. I

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  2. Thank you Steve, for expressing the questions and concerns of residents on this particular housing project(H2A) the question most asked is: “Why not housing for families”!
    We encourage the Monterey County of Supervisors(as well as “a certain one”) to show “care”by lending support to the Pájaro Disaster Long Term Recovery Alianza so together bring real changes for the betterment of Pájaro Residents—starting with changing the Zoning!—

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