Tarmo Hannula/The Pajaronian ACTIVISM Marchers in the second annual March to End Homeless starts out on Chruch Street in downtown Santa Cruz May 18.

Nearly 300 people marched the streets of downtown Santa Cruz May 18 to help end homelessness. 

The second-annual gathering, organized by Housing Matters, reigned in a coalition of local businesses, nonprofit organizations, and public supporters in the March to End Homelessness.

The event began outside Santa Cruz City Hall with a string of speeches. The march then moved along Cedar Street to Maple Street, to Pacific Avenue and came through the center of town and back to a staging area on Church Street. 

There, a cluster information tables were set up by Housing for Health Partnership, the Association of Faith Communities, Suicide Prevention Services, Housing Matters, Grey Bears and others. 

Housing Matters serves over 2,800 people yearly. Their services and programs reach the majority of people experiencing homelessness in Santa Cruz County.

The program started over three decades ago and has evolved into the largest organization addressing homelessness in the county. They have helped thousands of adults, children, veterans, and seniors gain permanent housing.

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General assignment reporter, covering nearly every beat. I specialize in feature stories, but equally skilled in hard and spot news. Pajaronian/Good Times/Press Banner reporter honored by CSBA. https://staging.pajaronian.com/r-p-reporter-honored-by-csba/


  1. What percentage of homeless people are homeless due to their druggie or boozy lifestyle?
    Anyone getting fiscal assistance, or free housing, should be drug tested. I don’t care about pot, but any other drugs a person is taking should disqualify them from getting any fiscal aid from taxpayers. Sick of druggies living off of society while other homeless people who work are denied help. If you don’t contribute to society, you shouldn’t be able to suck off society.
    You can attack me all you want, but taking drugs and drinking is a personal choice and I don’t think taxpayers should have to support someone living that lifestyle and becoming homeless due to their own personal stupid choices.

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    • Yep, drugs and alcohol contribute to about 90% of the homeless problem,
      including “harmless” pot. Having your mind in a THC stuper does nothing for
      ones’ ambition to be productive, etc…

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      • So true. Anti-social behavior and refusal to stop using drugs while whining about being homeless doesn’t make me feel all warm and cozy about helping druggies get housing.

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      • Cannabis is a healing drug if used in moderation. It’s very helpful to cancer patients as it eases the side effects of chemo. I saw many successful people from all walks of life use it after chemo treatment at Stanford Cancer center. They weren’t abusing it or in a THC stupor. Obviously you don’t know a lot about cannabis or its medical uses for many conditions. One can use cannabis and not abuse it and continue to work and live in society and pay their own way. The majority of users work and aren’t dependent on society to support them. Do educate yourself before you speak about pot again.

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