Nar-Anon group moves location
WATSONVILLE — Watsonville Nar-Anon will be meeting at a new location as of June 21: the Lutheran Community Church – Adam Dan Hall, 95 Alta Vista Ave. in Watsonville.
Meetings are weekly on Wednesdays from 6-7 p.m.
Nar-Anon is a 12-step program/support group for those affected by another person’s addiction. There is no cost or obligation.
For information, call 200-3756 or email [email protected]. To find other meetings, visit
Gardening class addresses pest management
WATSONVILLE — UC Master Gardeners of Santa Cruz & Monterey Counties will present a free class on Saturday on the “Basics of Integrated Pest Management.”
Participants will learn how to identify common garden pests and how to control them with cultural practices, biological controls, and other non-toxic IPM approaches. The class will be held from 10 a.m. to noon at the Demo Garden next to the rear parking lot at 1430 Freedom Blvd. in Watsonville.
This class is part of a series of free monthly gardening workshops at the UC Master Gardeners’ Watsonville demonstration garden. Upcoming topics include “Straw Bale and Hugelkulture Gardening” and “How to Make a Keyhole Garden.”
UC Master Gardeners of Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties is a volunteer organization affiliated with UC Cooperative Extension’s Master Gardener Program.
To register, visit
Applications available for Jeannie Witmer Memorial Scholarship
WATSONVILLE — Applications are available for the Jeannie Witmer Memorial Scholarship.
The scholarship is a $1,000 award for a student who has participated in the California High School Rodeo Association, District 4 or a California 4-H Horse program within the same geographical boundaries — Alameda, Contra Costa, Monterey, San Benito, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San Francisco and San Mateo counties.
This scholarship can be used at a college or professional technical school of choice. Selection will be based on the student’s scholastic record, special activities, personal history, letters of recommendation and financial need.
Applications are available at the Agri-Culture office or online at
The deadline to apply is Aug. 16.
For information, contact Agri-Culture at 722-6622 or [email protected].
County Clerk seeks volunteers for committee
SANTA CRUZ COUNTY — The County Clerk is looking for volunteer committee members to serve on the Voting Accessibility Advisory Committee (VAAC), a county advisory committee of people with disabilities, people who are elderly, and people with experience in architectural accessibility.
The deadline to apply is July 14.
The VAAC members advise the County Clerk on issues related to the accessibility of elections for voters with disabilities. The committee meets quarterly in-person to discuss upcoming elections, outreach efforts, accessibility guidelines and standards, pending legislation and emerging technologies.
This is a volunteer committee. There is no pay, stipend, or reimbursement, for participation in the VAAC.
Qualifications include:
• Be willing to serve from appointment through Dec. 31, 2018.
• Be willing to attend meetings in-person at the County Clerk’s Office.
• Have advocacy, outreach, technology and/or elections experience.
• Have understanding of barriers faced by voters with disabilities.
While committee membership is limited to appointment, all meetings are open to the public. All interested voters and advocates are welcome to attend and participate.
Those interested can apply at
For information, contact Gail Pellerin at 454-2419 or email [email protected].